Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Anchor text is the text

Anchor text is the text on the page that if clicked will take us to another place, can be a particular location on the same page, can be another page on the same website, or a page on another website. In general, the form of any posts anchor text blue and underlined. If we movement mouse through the text, the cursor will change shape. If you click on will lead us to another location. Its sophisticated technology development with the website, the text blue and underlined is not a criterion because there are more techniques that can control the appearance.

SEO techniques in the use of keywords as the anchor text must ruling. It's important that the anchor text is the use enables us to get two benefits at once from the keywords that we select. When a search engine crawler to read the anchor text on the page, he will detect that the text contains links. Thats Link an indication to search engines about the content of the page in the direction and its relevance to the page where the anchor text is located. So if we use the keyword in the anchor text, we will get two benefits for ranking keyword page where the anchor text is located, and a page for keyword ranking goals.

Of course there are exceptions from the concept. In SEO there are always exceptions. Use keywords in the anchor text over it can cause the search engine ranking reduce our website, or even completely block the website from our search results as a whole. Optimization excessive if we repeatedly use keyword anchor text with the same, without any variation.

Technique that is often used when we select the keyword which consists of two words, then we use each word in a different anchor text alone, and be carried out repeatedly, with the aim that the search engine provides a high ranking for these keywords . With visitors, this usually looks so awkward. Although there was a lot of success stories using seo techniques like this, for at this time should be avoided, because the search engine algorithms have the ability to detect things like this.

Practice is the most appropriate place with the anchor text using keywords, in the paragraphs that have relevant content. In this case, the value of the anchor text as important as the text on the paragraph in the surrounding areas. Note also that the page or website that in the direction must also be relevant, wherever possible keywords used in anchor text in the page goals. Thus, overall the three components can be mutually supportive. Although technically this is held as SEO is the most appropriate approach, unless remain the same, the use may be excessive, there would be a boomerang.

Example implementation of SEO techniques can views on this blog. Generally, the words that appear on the blog page will have anchor text that contains keywords, which go to another page of relevant content and title keywords.Its placement can be in the form of contextual reference in the sentence, and the list-a list, any posts, for example a list of most popular, or a list of words that most on the comment. The contents of the list-the list has a link to another page that the content is relevant. Another thing that can be used is to prepare sitemap. Sitemap is a general list of the title page is achor text, click on the if will bring to the title page listed there. From an SEO, sitemap on there location advantage.

In conclusion, although the anchor text and keywords appear as something completely different, in fact they have a very close relationship, especially if viewed from the synergies in both our website ranking up.

Understanding Keyword

Or keys or in the terminology better known as SEO is a keyword that is not integral part of SEO itself. No chance where people discuss about SEO without one mention of this word.Populer starting at this time I will use the keyword term. How its important keyword techniques in SEO?

A simple keyword function to register and arrange pages in a database search engine for search. Search engine will save data on a particular page in the database based on keywords. At the time someone searches, search engines use keywords to determine whether the page should appear as one of the page you are looking for. Although cross seem like simple, with the billions of pages from all over the world, required a very sophisticated system to allow the search results provided only in a matter of seconds only.

Required knowledge and experience long to be able to choose keywords that are appropriate to a website page so that you can get a high ranking on search engines, and get visitors that are expected. Website management-large-scale commercial website contribute a large amount of funds to pay for the consultant only to find keywords that right.use popular keywords effectively create a website more easily found by potential visitors, instead of buried in the back pages of search results list, so much so that people would not bother to open the page for the page further.

There are several systems to help us find the appropriate keyword, which is available online. use the system correctly can help us in doing research to find the right keywords. Understanding the benefits of the keyword, which can find it, how to select them, and use it with the appropriate page on our website will determine the success or not a website.

Two sides that need to be in choosing the keywords are (1) keywords should reflect the content of our website pages as a whole (2) the word is a word that is written will be potential candidates for the visitor to the search engine if you need information or a product page on the website. The word then we will continue to be used in SEO process. The exact placement of the keywords selected in the page we will determine whether the pages will be displayed in the top 20 places, or buried in the pages back, if someone searches for that keyword in the search engine. Research shows that very rare visitor from the more open the second page of search results.

Think if you are looking for female employees to be placed in part on your company's accounting, the database search of work. You start looking for sex with "women", such as database results showed 400 people in 1000 from people who have in a database. Then you narrow down to "women graduates S1", the search will be less, may be only 100. More in narrow longer a "women accounting graduates S1", is reduced into 20 live alone. So forth, the more narrow focus on the fewer search results that are shown but more relevant to the needs.

From the opposite side of course you can imagine that the focus select the right keywords to give you the opportunity to get a bigger better ranking because the search results generated less. In addition, the greater the likelihood that visitors will come to find your 

SEO Techniques That sShould be on Avoiding

SEO techniques that should be in the interest of avoiding conflict between the artistic and marketing versus the concept of SEO is almost always appear in the development of each website. Mostthe swatch easy way out, but there is also the rather complicated. Even there we are then forced to accept as our weaknesses website, so we need to "sacrifice" more on other things for compensation to its.

Maybe we could sacrifice with copywriting, website content so that we more. Write more articles with a link to our website, so that the website we get more backlink. There are also take a shortcut with applying what is popular as a black-hat SEO. In principle, practice black-hat SEO is lawful right to all this way to get a high ranking, usually done with a "trick" search engines, making search engines consider the website as a source of relevant information and valuable high, so get a reasonable ranking high.

Many online business even with the large-scale practice of deliberately doing this, cause the website to get a higher ranking for targeted keyword, even if the actual content of website is not relevant to that keyword. In general, they are pursuing profits right, so "caught" they are ready with the other website.

If your goal in doing business online is a long-term, Avoid techniques like this. Because even if successful may be, you will only enjoy success in the right course. Immediately after search engine to detect "fraud" that you do, not only decrease the ranking you get as a punishment.

Here are some techniques that are frequently used. I deliberately use the term in English, because it is very popular. At least this can help you through if you want to research online for more its deepens .

Domain Cloaking 

Cross-se you may see this technique as a brilliant idea. The concept is to create two different versions of each page. If the page is accessed regular visitor, the page will display a beautiful and interesting. But if the page is accessible by search engine robots, it will display the contents of after the optimization is for SEO purposes, it may not be very interesting and can not be understood by ordinary visitors. So in short this technique pursuing a high ranking in the SEO with the view that remains interesting for regular visitors.

Technically the main capital is a set of programs that can detect the visitors, whether visitors or search engine robot. If detected that the visit is a search engine robot, will be directed to a page specifically optimized completely. The problem is number of actors, most engine search now already has the ability to detect this practice. There is no grace to enjoy success before "caught". Once detected free not one page but all the website will be in black-list. Not only be read and indexed canceled, but another page from the same website that had been indexed and will be issued. Worse, the website will never be visited again. So even though you have to realize the "caught" and then insyaf and improve your website, it is too late.

Duplicate Content 

In building a website, fill in the form of text from the website often to be a very serious obstacle. If you own is not the author, you may need to remove large amounts of money to pay for the author. If you want to have a website that has a 100 page, then you should write as much as a novel. If you are not capable of Mira W pour his imagination in words, or Hermawan Kartajaya imagination is capable of pouring in the form of papers or books, what would you do?

Many who take the short road to steal the content of the website to another website own website. Aware Bung! Google, Yahoo, and MSN was created in the United States, not in Indonesia or China. Search engine appreciate copyrights. This practice is very dangerous. Furthermore, even if you do not violate the copyright, for example because you get permission from the owner of the website that you take the content, search engines still do not like this practice. Because they do not want to rank search results show that after all visited the same contents.

To ensure this, search engine complete with self detection system is relatively sophisticated. With Among detect "fresh" content. If the robots find pages with the same content has been found that some of the previous, will be selected who have them first. The rest will be considered as a duplicate, the value will be derived or not indexed at all.

General search engines categorize Duplicate content into 4 groups: 

1. Articles with wide distribution. One article can appear in many websites that have related topics. Generally written by people who really want covering writings published broadest. Some examples of these press release, article about certain experiences, etc.. Although the conflict does not contain copyright because the author really want duplicated writings, but never any posts of importance, if it appears hundreds of times in various websites, there is still a possibility and is considered as a possible duplication of the index small.

2. Description of products to shop online. Usually indeed allow producers stores that sell their products online, take the product description from the website, displayed on the website for the online store page. Almost all product description is not indexed by search engines, except that is displayed on the website producers. This is a form of commitment on the search engines. Search engine is designed to "leapfrog" the product description. However, the effect only until there are, the website does not shop online ybs. get "punished" as excluded from the index.

3. Duplicate pages. Without a negative goal, sometimes going duplication page, for example, if Information accessed from the same page. For example if your website contains a page titled The reviewer Linux Book, topics, about contents Linux Operating System, written by David Elboth, published by Prentice Hall. It's likely construction site causes rensensi is about book you can access as a different page if you access it from the list of topics, author, or publisher. Generally this is only cause the search engine to only index the first found.

4. Fill in "thievery." It is the practice where the pages are filled with material taken from another website, generally without the owners permission, perhaps with a little touch of re-appear so different. Search engines have the ability to detect. This practice is very dangerous, not only that page is not indexed, can also cause the overall site is not indexed and not visited again. I suggest not to take this step even if you get permission from the owner of the website contents that you take. The reason is simply: Where's the search engine robots know if you get permission?

Hidden Pages 

That is the page that is optimized for search engines, and only intended to be "seen" by search engines, but "hidden" from the ordinary visitor. Techniques "hide" it can be various. Most easy is to create a link that does not attract visitors from the homepage to the page in question.

If you have one chance and not get "punished" from the search engines, dispose flee. Because only a matter of time before the only search engine to find it

SEO and Programming Language

SEO and Programming Language One of the aspects that are often miss the most when we are preparing the SEO strategy is the programming language used to build the website. Each programming language has specific characteristics. For example HTML uses a specific set of protocols for controlling the visual display that appears in the browser page, while a collection of PHP using the protocol that is different. Most people will immediately associate the language with HTML programming website. In fact there are many other programming languages is also often used in building a website, and each requires an appropriate SEO strategy.


JavaScript is a programming language that allows website designers to create a dynamic website components, although not so often preferred search engine. On his reality in most cases stop the JavaScript in the crawler crawls the content of the website. If this occurs, a consequence of a low ranking or even not at all in the index.

However, many website designers use the technique eksternalisasi all the JavaScript code that is used on the website page. With eksternalisasi, JavaScript code is executed from the different location page with your own website. Eksternalisasi this technique is quite simple:

1. Coffee all the JavaScript code and place on a new file. 
2. Name the file with the extension. Js. For example name file.js. 
3. Uploaded to the web server. 
4. Create a reference page of the website to access the JavaScript code from external files. Its form is as follows:

SEO Good Tips For Beginner

Its popularity shot-shot about keyword seo training for beginners in google, to provide an inspiration for me to share just SEO Tips for beginners. Share kinds seo tips seo learn from one series to learn seo an easy second series I have ever been written. Seo and core of 2 is also posting I have ever been described : D. But after I try to see-see again, was "seo tips" is not retroactive for "newbies": D. Before reading more about my posting "seo tips for a beginner" it's good to know first what you mean in the SEO wikipedia.

seo tips the most good for the new blogger who started blogging in the world is as follows: 

1. Give your article title with the same keywords that you want to optimize or shoot. For example just so I know no 1 in the blog seminar in the city of new york. Yah be only such title of the article.

2. Create content or the content of the article in accordance with the power. Do not pirate, not copy paste. Original must be on the basis of your own thoughts.

3. Update or Update your articles regularly and routine. Model can cuman 1 week 1 update time is 1 week routine must update the article once. But the most good artikelmu is updated every day 1 article.

4. Give each different in the keyword or keywords in your article. Either way with the mem-bold, colorful gave in each of the keywords that will optimize in the search engine.

5. Backlink search either through the free ads, social media, up to the search blog to the blogroll instaliran ago. It is up to you just what that is.

Okay that's me for seo tips for beginners aja hopefully useful for those of you who want to 

Technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for you

If you want your website to be on the order of the highest on Google, Yahoo, or another search engine, then you need to run the technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization). By applying this technique SEO, blog or website you not only are on the order of the highest in the search engines, but your blog will also have many visitors.

Try entering the keyword "click here" on google, the site of what appears? Download Acrobat Reader? Why? While the pages do not have any posts of the "click here". So why can?

SEO techniques there are two types of ON and OFF PAGE PAGE. 

ON PAGE SEO techniques, then create pages as well as we might in the search engine. Namely by choosing the right title, but the keyword is not excessive enough, add a link on a keyword, bold, italic, and so forth. The following tips techniques ON PAGE:

1. Focus on your keywords, think a moment about who will be entering the keyword in what Google or Yahoo is right to your website.
2. Use the title contains the keyword. 
3. Use the keyword 5 - 10 times in the content of your writing to. 
4. Use the ALT (and link to image) containing your keyword. 
5. Use bold and italic in your keyword. 
6. Use the link on your keyword. 

OFF PAGE SEO technique, is a way to build links as possible to the direction our blog. You can participate in link exchange with a friend, or install a link on myspace page, comments, guest book, and so forth. The more links that point to our website, then we PageRank high. The higher the PageRank the more likely means that our website is in the order of highest search engine.

You should also pay attention at the time of Anchor Text link towards your website. Why are the Adobe website at the highest ranking in google for the keyword "click here" is because many websites that there is a link to the page with the words: Download Adobe Reader, click here. The words "click here" is called the Anchor text as a link. Try the links that point to your website in accordance with the keywords that you become a target.

The following are the things that are forbidden in the SEO (blackhat SEO), if you run this prohibition, then your website will be search engine blacklists (not index):

1. Create doorway, which is a special page for search engines that are not useful for a visitor to your site. 
2. Inserting link on your website including the category "bad neighborhood", ie there is a site-in-blacklist (including a link farm).
3. The program paid links. 
4. Build a link in a very large amount in a short time. 
5. Contents match the other website. 

Search engine currently is the smart, make your blog or website weight and useful for visitors, then your website will be visited by many people from all over the world.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ibrahimovic: "Hungry for more victories"

Sunday, 17 May 2009 23:53:26 
[FOTO Sunday, 17 May 2009 23:53:26]

MILAN - After celebrating the Scudetto with his team-mates, Zlatan Ibrahimovic commented on his and the Nerazzurri's season in an interview with Inter Channel.

He said: "I scored another goal today, but what really counted tonight was winning in front of our fans. We're all happy, it couldn't have gone any better. Today we scored three goals and all the fans were happy.

"This is the best Scudetto of all. A new coach came in, there was lots of pressure on him and the team, all the other teams in the championship were strong, but we did well from the start to the end of the season, we never gave up, and we have become even stronger.

"The coach says that the most important victory is always the next one and I agree with him. We won today but the next match is around the corner. You always move on, you must never be satisfied."

Intermilan ......17 scudeto

Serie A: Inter 3-0 Siena

[FOTO Sunday, 17 May 2009 22:27:41]

MILAN - Inter celebrated their fourth consecutive Serie A title in perfect fashion with a victory over Siena in front of 74,000 jubilant fans at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza.

The Nerazzurri might have had a sleepless night after last night's 17th Scudetto festivities, but there was no evidence of match weariness as José Mourinho's men brushed aside Siena with a hat-trick of goals.

Esteban Cambiasso popped up at the end of the first half to stab home after Siena goalkeeper Curci blocked Stankovic's long-range follow-up.

Inter doubled their lead seven minutes after the break when Mario Balotelli rounded Curci and slotted into an open net with the outside of his right foot after latching on to Figo's long-range pass.

Siena's Calaiò headed against the upright with Julio Cesar stranded as the Bianconeri went close to reducing the deficit, but Zlatan Ibrahimovic completed a comforable victory with less than fifteen minutes left to play, collecting Mancini's assist and rifling a low shot through Curci's legs.

To their credit, Giampaolo's men kept fighting and Julio Cesar made a brilliant diving save to deny Galloppa, before Coppola saw a long-range effort come back off the post.

Mourinho introduced Paolo Orlandoni for Julio Cesar in the final stages and the Italian goalkeeper picked up where the Brazilian left off, making a fine tipped save from Ghezzal to celebrate his Serie A debut for Inter with a clean sheet.

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